Re: drinking game for political debates

On Fri, Sep 28, 2012 at 7:02 AM, Michelle Abate <> wrote:

> was it a card game? There is a game called "president" or "asshole" or
> "scum" (I've heard it called all 3 in different areas, but the rules seem
> basically the same)

I was introduced to asshole last year. The things you learn when you
are a college student a second time--new drinking games.

Rick Le Mon
Os byddi di'n edrych yn ofalus, mae pob creigiau'n hardd.

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Re: drinking game for political debates said:
> was it a card game? There is a game called "president" or "asshole" or "sc=
> um" (I've heard it called all 3 in different areas, but the rules seem basi=
> cally the same)

No, it was a, um, quote game. "The Republican says X, the rich guy sips his
30-year-old whisky and the other two drink a six-pack each of cheap beer.
The Democrat says Y, the rich guy sips his 30-year-old whisky and the other
two drink a six-pack each of cheap beer. The third party candidate says Z,
and the middle-class person has to drive a gas-guzzling SUV to go get
another pizza."

There used to be lots and lots of this sort of drinking game that people
would come up with. I think they usually were focussed on special "events":
end of an epic show like Seinfeld or Lost, yet another very-special-episode
of Blossom, political debates, inaugurations.

I remember this particular one, probably from one of the elections in the
90's. I mentioned it to a friend and he wanted to see it. Naturally, it's
the tiem google isn't cooperating.


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Re: drinking game for political debates

-----Original Message-----
From: Wayne Morrison <>
To: tamson-house <>
Sent: Fri, Sep 28, 2012 12:26 am
Subject: drinking game for political debates

Years ago, there was a drinking game making its round of the 'net for use  during political debates.  I don't remember details, but there are a few that  stick.  It was a game for three people -- a rich guy, a middle-class person,  and an hourly service worker.  The rich guy brings great alcohol that he  doesn't share; the other two share cheap beer the middle-class person brings.  The hourly service worker brings all the snacks -- and the rich guy eats them  all.  Ultimately, the rich guy wins, the middle-class person and the hourly  service worker lose.    Does this sound familiar?  Anyone happen to have a copy squirrelled away  somewhere?  I've googed it and the results are overwhelmed by drinking  games like Quarters adn Flip Cup.    				Thanks,  				Wayne    
was it a card game?  There is a game called "president" or "asshole" or "scum" (I've heard it called all 3 in different areas, but the rules seem basically the same)

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drinking game for political debates

Years ago, there was a drinking game making its round of the 'net for use
during political debates. I don't remember details, but there are a few that
stick. It was a game for three people -- a rich guy, a middle-class person,
and an hourly service worker. The rich guy brings great alcohol that he
doesn't share; the other two share cheap beer the middle-class person brings.
The hourly service worker brings all the snacks -- and the rich guy eats them
all. Ultimately, the rich guy wins, the middle-class person and the hourly
service worker lose.

Does this sound familiar? Anyone happen to have a copy squirrelled away
somewhere? I've googed it and the results are overwhelmed by drinking
games like Quarters adn Flip Cup.


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Massachusetts crime lab scandal

In recent weeks a scandal has emerged out of one of the Massachusetts State crime labs – the Hinton Lab in Jamaica Plain. One of the chemists in the lab, Annie Dookhan, is believed to have been interfering with controlled substance evidence since 2003. She is accused of tampering with evidence bags, weights, the calibration of machines, and stating that substances were narcotics when they were not.  What we know to date is that her actions have affected over 60,000 evidence samples and implicate at least 34,000 cases. The state is in the process of determining how to address this massive problem.


Immigration attorneys and organizations in Massachusetts are concerned about the impact such tainted convictions may have on non-citizens. We want to ensure that nobody is deported based on tainted controlled substance convictions and try to address the problem of those already deported based on such convictions.


We are asking for your assistance to identify non-citizens who are currently deportable, ineligible for admission, or have already been deported due to Massachusetts drug convictions. If you are aware of such a case, please send as much of the following information as possible to


  1. person’s name
  2. date of birth
  3. person’s A #
  4. Docket number, Massachusetts criminal record, NTA and criminal defense attorney’s name.


As the subject of your email please write “DPH DRUG LAB CASE”


We will try to determine whether the individual’s case is one of the affected cases and if so, will assist in obtaining criminal counsel to move to vacate the conviction.

Finally, if you have clients with pending removal cases based on a Massachusetts controlled substance conviction you should request a stay of the proceedings until it can be determined whether or not it was a Hinton lab case.



Jennifer Klein

Staff Attorney, Immigration Impact Unit

Committee for Public Counsel Services

21 McGrath Highway

Somerville, MA 02143

TEL: 617-623-0591

FAX: 617-623-0936


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THIS WEDNESDAY! Centro Presente invites you to the presentation of “Status: Organized” a mini-documentary about the basic labor rights of immigrant workers and the activities of the Immigrant Workers Center at Centro Presente.



Centro Presente invites you to the presentation of "Status: Organized" a mini-documentary about the basic labor rights of immigrant workers and the activities of the Immigrant Workers Center at Centro Presente. 


Watch the Trailer


Where: Space with a Soul

281 Summer Street, Boston, MA- 7th floor


When: Wednesday, September, 26th at 6:00 p.m.   


General Donation: $35


General Producer: Centro Presente

Co-produced by: Patricia Montes, Centro Presenteʼs Executive Director and Reinaldo Rodríguez, Independent Journalist


Please RSVP by sending an email to Stella Panzarella


Public Transportation

Red Line - South Station - 7 minute walk down Summer Street


Parking Information

LAZ Parking

53 Belvidere St, Boston, MA

(617) 536-0910 ·


Stanhope Garage

338 Congress Street, Boston, MA 

(617) 338-5657



Patricia Montes

Executive Director

Centro Presente

617.629.4731 x211


Celebrating Centro Presente's 30 Years of Working with the Latin American Immigrant Community and Fighting for Social and Economic Justice.


Celebrando 30 Años trabajando con la Comunidad Immigrante Latinoamericana y Luchando por Justicia Social y Económica. 


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Re: fish puns

On Thu, Sep 20, 2012 at 10:46 PM, kfringe <> wrote:
> On Saturday, September 15, 2012 10:33:09 AM UTC-7, Wayne Morrison wrote:
>> Oooh, the "mako" is nice! I don't recall having seen that one before.
> It was a ray of light in the murk. Everything else was just skating by.

Tank you both!


Rain and sun shall feed me now,
and roots, and nuts, and wild things,
and rustlings in the midnight wood,
half-mad, like Myrddin, wandering.

--Terri Windling

one day I am going to bloom
patient and proud
with fish in my mouth
and eyes in my wings

--Noe Venable


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Re: fish puns

On Saturday, September 15, 2012 10:33:09 AM UTC-7, Wayne Morrison wrote:

Oooh, the "mako" is nice!  I don't recall having seen that one before.

It was a ray of light in the murk. Everything else was just skating by.

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Re: Fiction River

On Sunday, August 26, 2012 6:13:13 PM UTC-7, Dragon Mom wrote:

So Mal, please continue to giggle - (be it excited school girl, demented scientist or some other variation of giggling).

I'm definitely practicing my ticklish schoolgirl giggle. It's much less creepy than my Teddy Ruxpin impression. 

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Re: Thank for all the fish

On Tuesday, September 4, 2012 5:52:10 PM UTC-7, Matt Bear-Fowler wrote:

That makes me want to fucking swear.

Yeah. Welcome to my world. Some days, it's just like everything was made out of the rough toilet paper.

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Re: odd cross-over

On Thursday, September 6, 2012 9:41:27 PM UTC-7, Wayne Morrison wrote:

The Phantom's mask flared out out at the bottom, and that combined with the actor's mannerisms ended up with the Phantom bearing a resemblance to Warren the Ape.

If you'd said I. R. Baboon, I'd be so much more interested.

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Sept 21 National Day of Action for Homecare Workers

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MA Coalition for
Domestic Workers

Sep 21 | National Day of Action for Homecare Workers


Today in the United States, there are an estimated 2.5 million home caregivers in America who assist older Americans and people with disabilities with activities critical to their safety and quality of life.
Despite their hard work, these home care workers - 90% of whom are women, and 50% of whom rely on public assistance to meet their own basic needs - are not entitled to the overtime and minimum wage protections that other American workers have.
Since 1938, the Fair Labor Standards Act has guaranteed American workers minimum wage and overtime pay but home care workers were excluded from these basic protections, considered mere “companions."
A rule proposed last December by President Obama and the U.S. Department of Labor would extend basic labor protections to home care workers. Right now, the federal government is considering these changes to current labor regulations, but huge for-profit home care companies are lobbying hard in Congress to prevent the changes from going into effect and improving the lives of millions of home care workers across the United States.
On September 21st we in Boston are going to send a clear message to Congress that it is time to end the outdated regulation that treats these workers as second-class citizens.  Domestic workers who provide the support and services that help people with disabilities and seniors live with dignity need respect and rights!
Will you join us by calling MA Senators Scott Brown and John Kerry this Friday September 21st?
Senator Brown (202) 224-4543 Senator Kerry (202) 224-2742
My name is _______________. I am home care worker / domestic worker / live---in domestic worker/other_________. Today I am participating in a National Day of Action to win basic rights for homecare workers.

The Department of Labor (DOL) has proposed regulations to extend the Fair Labor Standards Act to homecare workers, giving them minimum wage and overtime protections. These regulations must be finalized now. Homecare workers help ensure that elders, parents and loved ones with disabilities receive quality care and support. The work they do is vital but the low-pay and long hours are unsustainable and unjust. Moreover, extending protections to homeworkers will help ensure dignified care for the elderly and people with disabilities so they can stay in their homes and out of institutions.
I want to urge Senator _______ to support DOL’s regulations and their finalization now, and to oppose legislation or other efforts to prevent home care workers from these long---overdue basic labor rights.

Thank you!
Thank you,
The MA Coalition for Domestic Workers

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URGENT: 14,000 Janitors need our support!

Sisters and Brothers,


As many of you know, the 14,000 janitors of SEIU local 615 are currently negotiating their master contract with cleaning contractors, which will determine their economic reality for the years to come. 


Negotiations have reached a critical point and requires community support:

Contractors have proposed language that would revoke the modest but important gains the janitors won ten years ago, creating a permanent second tier with substantially lower rates and doing away with language intended to move workers to full time. Meanwhile, janitors are already struggling to make ends meet, having to work long hours in a patchwork of part-time jobs.  These jobs fail to provide them with crucial benefits like health care coverage, and they leave them with little precious time to be with their families, as mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers.


Their dignity as human persons and workers is at stake, and come October 1, they may be forced to go on strike to protect themselves and their families.

We are asking for the help of faith leaders in two key ways:



1. To please sign the attached public letter of support for the janitors, declaring that we will stand with them should they need to strike.  This letter will be posted in the Boston Globe next week, so please reply by 5:00pm next Tuesday Sept. 25.


2. And for all who are able, to attend a faith leader press conference next Friday Sept. 28?


-To sign on to the letter, please simply reply to this email with how you would like to be listed. 

-To RSVP for the press conference, please do the same, and I can keep you informed of more details as they arise.


Please reply with any questions you have.  And by all means, please share this amongst your networks!  The time is now.

Paul Drake

Massachusetts Interfaith Committee for Worker Justice
145 Tremont Street, Suite 202
Boston, MA 02111
(617) 840-5860 (cell)
(617) 316-0451 (office)

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URGENT ACTION - Please support janitors members of SEIU 615 while they negotiate for a new and better contact - Meeting Wednesday 9-19

Hey Folks!


Our brothers and sisters at SEIU 615 are facing an uphill battle at the bargain table.  Sadly, many of the employers don’t want to make these jobs the good dependable jobs that help to build a middle class and may result in the largest strike to hit Boston in 10 Years.  If you can, please stop by this briefing to get more info and show your support for these brave folks.




SEIU Local 615


Justice for Janitors Campaign Briefing
Wednesday, September 19, 2012
9 – 11AM @
SEIU Local 615, 26 West Street, Downtown Boston

Cleaning contractors have proposed language at the bargaining table that would wipe out the hard fought gains that janitors have made over the last decade. Among other things, they are proposing to create a permanent second tier with substantially lower rates and doing away with language intended to move workers to full time.

As the 14,000 janitors of SEIU 615 approach the deadline of their contract on September 30th, community support will be more crucial than ever. Join the members and leadership of SEIU 615 for a breakfast and discussion of where we are now, what the most effective support actions will be, and how we are preparing for escalated activity.

Please RSVP to Khalida at, or 617-878-7460;

Hard working Janitors will need your support at this critical moment in the campaign – join us and learn more about how you can help. 

We will begin having DAILY noontime actions starting Monday, September 17, 2012 where we will need support from community allies.   

Here are ways to get involved and stay informed about our daily actions:

• To get daily updates about our daily actions, like us on Facebook or follow us on Twitter.
• Meet at SEIU 615 (26 West Street, downtown) at 11:30AM for daily action briefings and
• Stand with us at a building to deliver a clear message to the city, contractors and owners – the community is watching and janitors have a right to full time work and a fair wage

Contact us if you want to volunteer to help in other ways.  Let us know you are willing, ready and able to STAND WITH WORKERS AND SUPPORT THEM IF WE NEED TO STRIKE.  We must go forward to protect our rights as workers, NOT backwards!





26 West Street, 3rd Floor, Boston, MA 02111
280 Broadway Street, Suite 201, Providence, RI 02903
250 Commercial Street, 3rd Floor, Worcester, MA 01608


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Re: Digest for - 1 Message in 1 Topic

I cod mahi one for the halibut.

On Sep 16, 2012 4:59 AM, <> wrote:


    Wayne Morrison <> Sep 15 01:33PM -0400  

    > I cod mako fish puns all day just for the halibut.
    Oooh, the "mako" is nice! I don't recall having seen that one before.


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Re: fish puns said:
> I cod mako fish puns all day just for the halibut.

Oooh, the "mako" is nice! I don't recall having seen that one before.


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RE:fish puns

because our finny friends have descriptive words and names that are loaded in inuendo; therefore funny before we even starting punning .....  

Susan Allen
Kill them with kindness. Unless you have a gun."

-------Original Message-------
From: Wayne Morrison
Sent: 09/14/2012 12:26 PM
Subject:fish puns

What is it with fish puns?  The merest whiff of a fish-related word here on
TH and the fish puns start flying like a salmon in the Pike Street market.

Not just here though.  I've seen it happen other places as well.  I'm on a
private jabber group with work folks and fish puns have started flopping
around there now.

What is it with fish puns, and why do we fall so easily into using them?


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Re: fish puns

Shad. Just shad.


Sent via BlackBerry by AT&T

From: "Randall M." <>
Date: Fri, 14 Sep 2012 18:17:05 -0400
To: <>
Subject: Re: fish puns

On 2012-09-14 3:51 PM, "Donna" <> wrote:
> Clearly, it'an econmy of scale.
> Donna who apologizes for top posting from her Nook

And you don't have to sell your sole to come up with them.


> Wayne Morrison <> wrote:
> >What is it with fish puns?  The merest whiff of a fish-related word here on
> >TH and the fish puns start flying like a salmon in the Pike Street market.
> >
> >Not just here though.  I've seen it happen other places as well.  I'm on a
> >private jabber group with work folks and fish puns have started flopping
> >around there now.
> >
> >What is it with fish puns, and why do we fall so easily into using them?
> >
> >                               Wayne

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Re: fish puns

On 2012-09-14 3:51 PM, "Donna" <> wrote:
> Clearly, it'an econmy of scale.
> Donna who apologizes for top posting from her Nook

And you don't have to sell your sole to come up with them.


> Wayne Morrison <> wrote:
> >What is it with fish puns?  The merest whiff of a fish-related word here on
> >TH and the fish puns start flying like a salmon in the Pike Street market.
> >
> >Not just here though.  I've seen it happen other places as well.  I'm on a
> >private jabber group with work folks and fish puns have started flopping
> >around there now.
> >
> >What is it with fish puns, and why do we fall so easily into using them?
> >
> >                               Wayne

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Re: fish puns

On Fri, Sep 14, 2012 at 3:51 PM, Donna <> wrote:
> Donna who apologizes for top posting from her Nook

Bah! Top posting is for bottom feeders!

Wow, that sounded crabbier than I had intended... =)


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Re: fish puns

Clearly, it'an econmy of scale.

Donna who apologizes for top posting from her Nook

Wayne Morrison <> wrote:

>What is it with fish puns? The merest whiff of a fish-related word here on
>TH and the fish puns start flying like a salmon in the Pike Street market.
>Not just here though. I've seen it happen other places as well. I'm on a
>private jabber group with work folks and fish puns have started flopping
>around there now.
>What is it with fish puns, and why do we fall so easily into using them?
> Wayne

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Re: fish puns

In a message dated 9/14/2012 3:32:02 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, writes:
On Fri, Sep 14, 2012 at 3:25 PM, Wayne Morrison <> wrote:
> What is it with fish puns, and why do we fall so easily into using them?

Because we flounder without them.

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Re: fish puns

Because as pun themes go, it's as easy as shooting fish in a barrel.
And it's fin! I cod mako fish puns all day just for the halibut. So
of course when the topic comes up, salmon always takes the bait.


On Fri, Sep 14, 2012 at 3:25 PM, Wayne Morrison <> wrote:
> What is it with fish puns? The merest whiff of a fish-related word here on
> TH and the fish puns start flying like a salmon in the Pike Street market.
> Not just here though. I've seen it happen other places as well. I'm on a
> private jabber group with work folks and fish puns have started flopping
> around there now.
> What is it with fish puns, and why do we fall so easily into using them?
> Wayne

Rain and sun shall feed me now,
and roots, and nuts, and wild things,
and rustlings in the midnight wood,
half-mad, like Myrddin, wandering.

--Terri Windling

one day I am going to bloom
patient and proud
with fish in my mouth
and eyes in my wings

--Noe Venable


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Re: fish puns

On Fri, Sep 14, 2012 at 3:25 PM, Wayne Morrison <> wrote:
> What is it with fish puns, and why do we fall so easily into using them?

Because we flounder without them.


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fish puns

What is it with fish puns? The merest whiff of a fish-related word here on
TH and the fish puns start flying like a salmon in the Pike Street market.

Not just here though. I've seen it happen other places as well. I'm on a
private jabber group with work folks and fish puns have started flopping
around there now.

What is it with fish puns, and why do we fall so easily into using them?


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*MA Coalition for Domestic Workers* | Reminder: General Meeting

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MA Coalition for Domestic Workers LOGO

MA Coalition for Domestic Workers
General Meeting

Saturday, September 15, 2012
11:30AM - 2PM

Orientation for new attendees (Mini catch-up session for workers, allies, collaborators, and potential supporters etc.)
General meeting (Regular convening of MCDW - agenda/task based and periodic workshops)

SEIU 1199 | Bayside Expo Center
150 Mount Vernon Street, 2nd Floor
Dorchester, MA

(JFK/UMass Station - Red Line)
Free Parking available.

Light refreshments will be provided.
Bringing food/drinks to share is encouraged/not required.
Please email to RSVP along w/ requests for childcare/language assistance or any questions/concerns.



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*MA Coalition for Domestic Workers* | Reminder: General Meeting

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MA Coalition for Domestic Workers LOGO

MA Coalition for Domestic Workers
General Meeting

Saturday, September 15, 2012
11:30AM - 2PM

Orientation for new attendees (Mini catch-up session for workers, allies, collaborators, and potential supporters etc.)
General meeting (Regular convening of MCDW - agenda/task based and periodic workshops)

Light refreshments will be provided.
Bringing food/drinks to share is encouraged/not required.
Please email to RSVP along w/ requests for childcare/language assistance or any questions/concerns.



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URGENT ACTION - HELP STOP WAGE THEFT - Immigrant Workers Continue Their Fight for Justice



Centro Presente Banner


Immigrant Workers Continue
Their Fight for Justice

Say NO! to Labor Exploitation in MA!




Media Contact:

Patrick McDermott, Centro Presente, 617-684-4656  

What: Latino immigrant workers continue their fight for justice! Former workers of One World Cuisine have been unable to reach an agreement with the owners of the restaurant group. Centro Presente supports the workers' decisions and will be joining the workers once again in staging a protest outside of Diva Indian Bistro to demand that the owners of One World Cuisine pay the workers. The workers calculate the wages they are owed to be over $129,000. They will also be filing a lawsuit for the wages.  

Where: Diva Indian Bistro, 246 Elm Street, Somerville, MA.
When: Thursday, September 13th at 6:00 p.m.





# # # 

Centro Presente is a state-wide, membership-based Latino immigrant organization that advocates for immigrant rights and for economic and social justice through the integration of community organizing, leadership development and basic services. 



Centro Presente

17 Inner Belt Road

Somerville, Massachusetts 02143




Centro Presente | 17 Inner Belt Road | Somerville | MA | 02143

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