Re: drinking game for political debates

-----Original Message-----
From: Wayne Morrison <>
To: tamson-house <>
Sent: Fri, Sep 28, 2012 12:26 am
Subject: drinking game for political debates

Years ago, there was a drinking game making its round of the 'net for use  during political debates.  I don't remember details, but there are a few that  stick.  It was a game for three people -- a rich guy, a middle-class person,  and an hourly service worker.  The rich guy brings great alcohol that he  doesn't share; the other two share cheap beer the middle-class person brings.  The hourly service worker brings all the snacks -- and the rich guy eats them  all.  Ultimately, the rich guy wins, the middle-class person and the hourly  service worker lose.    Does this sound familiar?  Anyone happen to have a copy squirrelled away  somewhere?  I've googed it and the results are overwhelmed by drinking  games like Quarters adn Flip Cup.    				Thanks,  				Wayne    
was it a card game?  There is a game called "president" or "asshole" or "scum" (I've heard it called all 3 in different areas, but the rules seem basically the same)

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