Re: drinking game for political debates said:
> was it a card game? There is a game called "president" or "asshole" or "sc=
> um" (I've heard it called all 3 in different areas, but the rules seem basi=
> cally the same)

No, it was a, um, quote game. "The Republican says X, the rich guy sips his
30-year-old whisky and the other two drink a six-pack each of cheap beer.
The Democrat says Y, the rich guy sips his 30-year-old whisky and the other
two drink a six-pack each of cheap beer. The third party candidate says Z,
and the middle-class person has to drive a gas-guzzling SUV to go get
another pizza."

There used to be lots and lots of this sort of drinking game that people
would come up with. I think they usually were focussed on special "events":
end of an epic show like Seinfeld or Lost, yet another very-special-episode
of Blossom, political debates, inaugurations.

I remember this particular one, probably from one of the elections in the
90's. I mentioned it to a friend and he wanted to see it. Naturally, it's
the tiem google isn't cooperating.


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