URGENT: 14,000 Janitors need our support!

Sisters and Brothers,


As many of you know, the 14,000 janitors of SEIU local 615 are currently negotiating their master contract with cleaning contractors, which will determine their economic reality for the years to come. 


Negotiations have reached a critical point and requires community support:

Contractors have proposed language that would revoke the modest but important gains the janitors won ten years ago, creating a permanent second tier with substantially lower rates and doing away with language intended to move workers to full time. Meanwhile, janitors are already struggling to make ends meet, having to work long hours in a patchwork of part-time jobs.  These jobs fail to provide them with crucial benefits like health care coverage, and they leave them with little precious time to be with their families, as mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers.


Their dignity as human persons and workers is at stake, and come October 1, they may be forced to go on strike to protect themselves and their families.

We are asking for the help of faith leaders in two key ways:



1. To please sign the attached public letter of support for the janitors, declaring that we will stand with them should they need to strike.  This letter will be posted in the Boston Globe next week, so please reply by 5:00pm next Tuesday Sept. 25.


2. And for all who are able, to attend a faith leader press conference next Friday Sept. 28?


-To sign on to the letter, please simply reply to this email with how you would like to be listed. 

-To RSVP for the press conference, please do the same, and I can keep you informed of more details as they arise.


Please reply with any questions you have.  And by all means, please share this amongst your networks!  The time is now.

Paul Drake

Massachusetts Interfaith Committee for Worker Justice
145 Tremont Street, Suite 202
Boston, MA 02111
(617) 840-5860 (cell)
(617) 316-0451 (office)

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