On Wed, Jul 25, 2012 at 9:27 AM, <piratejenny@verizon.net> wrote:
On 07/25/12, Matt Bear-Fowler wrote:
I bought it sometime in the last decade or so and have never been able to finish it. That disappoints me, because I know so many people love it, and it DOES seem to be a cool story. It just hasn't seemed to hold my attention, though.
On Wed, Jul 25, 2012 at 12:47 AM, Kirsten Brodbeck-Kenney <crowyhead@gmail.com> wrote:
On Tue, Jul 24, 2012 at 9:44 PM, Kris Howell <aneerieangle@gmail.com> wrote:
> NPR has a list of YA titles up for folks to vote on in order to make a list
> of the 100 best YA books. Dune is one of them. There was some discussion
> on facebook about the appropriateness of that choice, but Dune is, amongst
> many other things, a coming of age novel. I think it belongs in that list.
I think so, too. It's one of those books that tends to read
differently depending on how old you are when you first read it; I
first read it in eighth grade (so I guess I was around 12?) and
thought it was a good adventure story. I've picked up more of the
other themes every time I've re-read it since then.
Jen says: I've never actually read it, but we have the audiobooks and I'm forced to listen every time we're both in the car. They're really good. Maybe that's a better way for you.
I read it and liked it, but that was right after I read 100 Years of Solitude, so I was kind of in that 'wft just happened? keep reading, you'll figure it out...' mode.
I offered it up to my book swap group and no one there finished or liked it.
I offered it up to my book swap group and no one there finished or liked it.
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