RE:Drgon Mom?

Sorry for the top post; onebox uses Silverlight and it does not play at all well with SeaMonkey.
I would use

It is a lovely dragon; as you may have guessed, I am pretty picky about the ones I acquire.

Someday, I will figure out (take to the time to read the directions) how to post digital images. I have 2 digital cameras and don't use either of them often enough to recall how to use either one.

"Kill them with kindness. Unless you have a gun."

-------Original Message-------
From: "Ilana Halupovich"
Sent: 05/04/2012 03:05 AM
Subject:Drgon Mom?

I went to Amazon to look at "The Dragon Ring" by Maggie Secara and this one
popped at the corner pf my screen. usually I hate pop-ups, but this one is
beautiful. <G>


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