Immigrant Civic Leadership Program in NYC Accepting applications for ICLP 2012

Good Opporutunity

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From: Tyson, Roselyn <>
Date: Fri, May 4, 2012 at 1:14 PM
Subject: FW: Immigrant Civic Leadership Program in NYC Accepting applications for ICLP 2012
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-----Original Message-----
From: Sandler, Leonard []
Sent: Friday, May 04, 2012 1:08 PM
To: Crain, Carin N; Spitzer, Craig E; Klouda, Karen K
Subject: Immigrant Civic Leadership Program in NYC Accepting applications for ICLP 2012

Coro is now accepting applications for The Immigrant Civic Leadership Program (ICLP). This program is designed for active and engaged leaders who seek to strengthen and bring about improvement and change to the city's immigrant communities.  If you know of a great candidate who is ready to become an even more effective leader, please encourage them to apply. To learn more about ICLP and how to apply, click here

The ideal ICLP participant has a vision for change yet is open to self-reflection about their goals, has at least three years of related work experience, and has the commitment to complete a rigorous 5-month leadership program.  Participants must have a defined project to support that change, and the capacity to successfully organize and implement change in their organization or community.  Preference will be given to participants working with community-based organizations in newer immigrant communities.

The program begins in mid July with a "program orientation" and an offsite retreat later that month.  Participants will come together one Saturday each month for "Leadership Days" and will build their individual and collaborative capacity for practicing leadership. They will also come together one Tuesday out of the month for "Civic Strategy Days" and will use the city as a classroom to explore the dynamics that shape policy and the people who influence public decisions. In addition, participants will work on a planned community change project that seeks to strengthen their immigrant community.
Participants will also have an alumni advisor that will provide them with feedback to enhance their community change project.  We are happy to announce that thanks to our partnership with the Mayor's Office of Immigrant Affairs, One Nation, and The New York Community Trust, there is no tuition fee this year.

For questions about ICLP, you can reach me at 212-248-2935 x 320.

Warm regards,


Cristina Márquez
Program Director, Immigrant Civic Leadership Program Coro New York Leadership Center
42 Broadway, Suite 1827-35
New York, NY 10004
p: 212.248.2935 x320     f: 212.248.2970 <>

Join us on    <>

Karen Kithan Yau
(Please note the new email address.)

Lydia Edwards
Brazilian Immigrant Center
Director of Legal Services
T: 617 783 8001 ext. 113
F: 617 208 8215

Massachusetts Coalition for Domestic Workers, Member

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