Re: Stonehenge, Avebury

On 3/20/2012 4:00 AM, Ellen Rawson wrote:
> --- On Mon, 3/19/12,<> wrote:
>> And can you really see Stonehenge too many times?
> Yes.
> Remember that I live about an hour from it. :) Often, we'll drive past it en route to other places and not stop. I know, I know -- sacreligious. :)

Yes, yes it is!!!
> The thing is, whilst Stonehenge is great and very dramatic, I personally prefer Avebury, just thirty minutes away. Were I ever to attend one of the big Solstice celebrations, I'd go to the one at Avebury because I like Avebury more, plus it's far less crowded and the solstice is much less of a media circus there than at Stonehenge.
> When I took my brother and sister-in-law to Stonehenge last time around, we actually started in Salisbury. They saw the cathedral and wandered about the city a little. Then we went to Stonehenge and they did the usual walk around. After that, I suggested Avebury. Neither of them, both of whom are very well read and educated, had ever heard of Avebury, but they agreed to go.
Obviously they had not been reading the right books! Avebury
specifically had been on my list of places to go. Woodhenge was a
spur-of-the-moment thing, but you know, we were driving around and there
were signs.

> Of course, I stopped at the West Kennet Long Barrows on the way. And they thanked me later for stopping there and at Avebury -- they really enjoyed it.

West Kennet was closed when we were there. I was quite sad. I think it
was cause of hoof-and-mouth. It's one of the place we're going when we
go back. Which won't be this year, cause 150th anniversary of Gettysburg
and T's ggg grandfather who was shot there. Crazy thing: Charles
survived the hospitals of Gettysburg and went on to fight the rest of
the Civil War. I can't imagine going through the hospitals there. (I
have at least one ancestor who was in the Civil War but I don't know if
he was at Gettysburg. I do know he ended up in Andersonville.) Also, T's
dead doppelganger was at Gettysburg (he was T's ggg grandfather's 3rd
cousin) and he did some nifty stuff during Pickett's Charge (to stop
Pickett of course).

Um, that became totally off topic. Sorry. My brain is not having a good
time today. See fb.
> But then I also prefer Carrowkeel to Newgrange. Crazy, I know. :)

Never been. I really wanted to get inside Knowth though. Even though
it's not safe and all that.

"You cheated."

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