Re: Religion was left-handedness

On Mar 19, 2012, at 6:01 AM, PirateJenny wrote:

> The fact that you then later quotes scads of Bible verses makes me think you're one of the
> crazy christians.

I suspect that any issues Sibyl has with "crazy" are probably neither directly related to Christianity, nor, necessarily, reinforced by it. I didn't pay too much attention to her specific quotations after a bit, but they didn't seem completely unrelated to what she thought she was discussing. In that context, the sort of quotations she proffered are a fairly regular feature in discourse with people who've spent some time studying and caring about their religion. While I might think they were misplaced in this forum, and while they'd make my teeth itch eventually, I would find it difficult to judge either the extent or the lunacy of her religious beliefs from what little she's posted.

I'd agree that she made some poor rhetorical choices in her discussion. I'd also agree that she seemed to misapply certain bits Christian doctrine during that conversation. I would not agree that there's even enough evidence for even a partial opinion about how and what she believes.

I'm a guy who thinks there's enough evidence to call someone a goatfucker if they put too much sugar in their coffee, and I'm not seeing enough goatfucking here to give anyone tsuris.

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