Re: Religion was left-handedness

>>Jenny said:
>> The fact that you then later quotes scads of Bible verses makes me think you're one of the crazy christians.

>Mal said:
>I suspect that any issues Sibyl has with "crazy" are probably neither directly related to Christianity, nor, necessarily, reinforced by it. I didn't pay too much attention to her specific quotations after a bit, but they didn't seem completely unrelated to what she thought she was discussing. In that context, the sort of quotations she proffered are a fairly regular feature in discourse with people who've spent some time studying and caring about their religion. While I might think they were misplaced in this forum, and while they'd make my teeth itch eventually, I would find it difficult to judge either the extent or the lunacy of her religious beliefs from what little she's posted.
>I'd agree that she made some poor rhetorical choices in her discussion. I'd also agree that she seemed to misapply certain bits Christian doctrine during that conversation. I would not agree that there's even enough evidence for even a partial opinion about how and what she believes.
>I'm a guy who thinks there's enough evidence to call someone a goatfucker if they put too much sugar in their coffee, and I'm not seeing enough goatfucking here to give anyone tsuris.

Mal, that was a measured and thoughtful thing to say. As well as having a lot of syllables.


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