On 03/21/12, Michelle Abate wrote:
Jenny, I'm very sorry for your loss. I understand why you would want to
give a home to another cat in need so soon. We lost our cat Omaha two
years ago, and began looking for rescue a rescue cat the next day. We
couldn't stand how quiet the house was when we got home from work that
morning. We ended up with 4 kittens- the plan was to get 1 adult cat,
but the shelter had just taken in over 60 kittens from some mill that
was breeding them to sell for medical research. They were all so cute,
but vet bills on 60 kittens would have been a bit much. I hope you
find a great name for your new friend.
***Wow, that would be a bit much. We have a per month per pet fee where we live, so we can only afford one. (One of the many reasons we're looking to move.) But we found a great guy, white with orange (markings rather similar to a Turkish Van, with two added on his back). He's just over a year. The name he came with was Creamsicle, which we so aren't keeping. He's still obviously a bit skittish but he's already a mush (when he doesn't scare himself by knocking things over in the middle of the night).
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