Re: Kitten names

On Tue, Mar 20, 2012 at 8:13 PM, Jenny Tait <> wrote:
(for those not on fb, our beloved Lily had major jaw problems stemming from either cancer or the polyp in her ear pressing on a nerve. She couldn't eat. If the cancer had been anywhere else other than her mouth, we would have gone the treatment route, but the mouth--it just wasn't fair to keep her in pain. So we had her put to sleep this morning. And yes, we immediately got a new catten--he's just over a year--because we knew that even three days without, which is what it was between Lance and Lily--is too long. So Lily saved a life in giving hers. So a suck morning, but better afternoon.)

I'm so sorry about Lily. How wonderful, though, that you're giving another cat a great home!


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