Nothing nearly as exciting going on here. I am still working at the same agency -- yesterday was my 31st anniversary, in fact (and I did work yesterday; a few of us were there for Saturday overtime). For the last five months or so, I have been doing all by myself a job that, at this time last year, was done by three people. Nothing horrible happened; It's just that we were already short-handed, then someone left, then someone else was on medical leave for a couple of months, then someone took a temporary promotion and transfer to another unit, and that left me on my own. To say I am swamped is something of an understatement. It would be more accurate to say that I am enjoying a lovely luncheon in the first-class dining room aboard the Titanic. It should end in another month or so, when the person who took the temporary promotion comes back to the unit, but it the meantime, I am working a lot of overtime, some of which I am even being paid for (which is unusual for our agency; they don't like to give overtime).
I am looking forward to retirement; I am both old enough (even though I'm only in my late 50s) and have enough years in that I could actually retire at any time, but now doesn't seem like the best time to give up a job.
Otherwise, my house hasn't fallen down yet, and, in fact, I even had some work done on it. I finally got the upstairs bathroom rebuilt and then some months later, had the same contractor come in and replace the windows in my bedroom and fix the walls that the late, lamented Jack damaged. Next up, I'm thinking about getting an electrician in to fix some stuff like the outlet that the ex-husband left the bared wire just hanging out of the wall in (which I have had checked and have been assured is not live) and maybe check the bedroom outlets to see if they can handle an air conditioner because after last summer's sleeping in front of the open front door on a folding bed with fans going, I think maybe I'm ready to see about a/c.
After over a year without a pet, I adopted a couple of cats from the SPCA at the very end of December. One might even say the "tail-end" if one were in a cheap pun sort of mood. *ahem* Things are certainly a lot livelier in my house than they used to be. I have to remind myself to speak to them, because I'm used to not speaking at all when I'm home. Even when I'm playing with them, I have to remind myself to make some noise -- and we do have a daily game of Chase The Red Dot.
The snowdrops have come up in the front yard, so I am hopeful that this winter is actually going to end. But then comes Bug Season and Lively Critter In The Garage Season and Mowing Season and....
(Also, I set up this email address years and years and years ago, back when One Did Not Use One's Actual Name On The Internet and no matter what I do, I can't get it to now display my actual name, so I eventually gave up. It's all good; I was never part of a Collective, anyway, so I'm just the same Laurie as always.)
On Sat, Mar 1, 2025 at 11:09 PM Mina Ellyse Warren <> wrote:
--I'm preparing to move *partially* across the country... back to New England, although skipping over Massachusetts and going to New Hampshire. Pretty sure I mentioned that in one of the other recent emails, but prepping for that move is about all I do right now.I still do software engineering, and still database stuff. The place I've been at 5 years later this month has exactly one customer for our very extensive development department: the business. We keep joking we'll write our own database engine one of these days because that's how we do things.My oldest son is married, and I have one granddaughter (they also gave me my first grandchild, my grandcat Jasper).My middle son is currently doing casino security, but is a linguist and English teacher. He might be heading overseas to take a job using both of those skillsets.My youngest, who was born around the time I first stepped into the House (plus or minus a bit), and who supplied the world with Brandonisms that still make my heart happy when I think of them will be 21 this Autumn.I still play music (just ordered my first nylon string guitar... finally! wanted one for four decades!) but I stopped "touring" back in May 2019.And also somehow my world fame didn't come from my music or my writing... but as a model (and a photographer; and no, I can't figure it out, either.) I may not be doing (much/any) poetry or fiction writing, but I've had fans write both for me. Boggles me completely.Cheers,
Mina Ellyse
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