Re: The World

I was just going to say something similar to what Jane said.

Right now, news from Boston is the Haitian community is worried about deportations - and you're neither Haitian nor a refugee living here without becoming a resident.

Also, Concord is not the kind of place where that kind of thing happens... well, outside of that one incident 250 years ago, at a bridge... which did involve Massholes shooting at British... *giggles*

Come to think of it, that was 250 years ago on April 19th...

So expect some ramped up touristy crowds, maybe?

I went to high school right by that area (Lexington, pretty much on Battle Road) and haven't visited since 2019, so... I have some ideas about restaurants, but some of the ones I know of *may* have disappeared since I visited them.

One place in the area that I always loved (the Mill at Wayside Inn, Sudbury) does have a restaurant. It's very likely to require reservations, especially given the 250 years thing (even though the Inn itself turns 259 years old this year) - growing up, it was considered super pricey, so I only went once when my dad's parents were up for a visit, but I'm pretty sure it was a bit more reasonable when I last ate there, in 2017 (± a year).

Since you're just getting there on Sunday, I can definitely take a day or two off to come down there, and could even play tour guide if you wanted.   I probably did 80% of my swimming when I was little in Walden Pond, so I'm pretty familiar with it (minus any changes made since the last visit, 2017ish).

And also, but not least important... I meant to say this in my first reply, got distracted, and then completely forgot:

My condolences on your loss!

        Mina Ellyse

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