Re: The World

PS We're both well vaccinated. Okay, I never had the rubella vaccine, but that's because I had rubella as an infant.


Ellen Rawson

On Sun, 23 Feb 2025, at 5:08 PM, Katrina Knight wrote:
> I don't know what the British media is saying, but if you're
> asking about it I think it is safe to say they're exagerating.
> You're not trans or brown-skinned so you're not going to be
> targetted by individuals or government authorities. And you're
> not pregnant so you probably won't die if you need medical care.
> I live in a very red part of a very blue state. Nothing bad is
> happening to anyone on a person-to-person level. People arem't
> attacking each other or anything like that, at least not any
> more than normal. It is all at the government level. The local
> governments are rushing to do all the awful things they've been
> wanting to do. Franklin County, on the other side of the river
> from me, is trying to demand that the local health department
> stop offering covid vaccines. One of the local school districts
> wants to disobey state law, and the instructions send out by the
> state education department, about not cooperating with ICE when
> it comes to immigrant children. This kind of crap doesn't really
> affect white, English-speaking visitors though.
> At some point, things are going to start falling apart if the
> federal funds that have been blocked don't go here they should
> be going, but a couple months isn't enough for the highways to
> fall apart or anything like that.
> I do strongly recommend making sure your vaccinations are all
> current and taking reasonable precautions since there are
> outbreaks of diseases (measles, TB, and bird flu are the ones I
> know about) that the federal government is trying to hide.
> At 06:24 AM 2/23/2025 Ellen Rawson wrote:
>>No worries -- I was thinking more Boston area. :)
>>But about the world... how scary is the US right now? Or is the
>>British media exaggerating?
> --
> Katrina Knight
> --
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