Re: Hello travelers!

For those of you who aren't aware, I moved to NC in 2002. My dad died a
while ago and I have only cousins I was never close with left in NJ.
Tony's family lives down here (as do my sisters, though they're 3 hours
away) and we thought it would be good for him to spend some time with
them (especially the great-nephew, Rowan). And I do still have my job at
Penguin--Covid was in silver lining in that way. Nearly my entire
department is working remotely now (two people go into the office a few
days a week). Coworkers have moved as far away as LA (and the one in LA
is fine, thankfully). And living in NC on a NYC salary has definitely
made things easier. But making friends as an adult is still difficult.
There's a silent book club that happens once a month (I just found it).
People read whatever book they're reading for a few hours then the last
hour is either chat or continue reading. It sounds like the perfect book
club to me.

Speaking of my job, I was promoted to executive production editor this
year. This is a big fat hairy deal because until this year that position
did not exist for our department. There were people who worked with me
in the past who remained senior production editors until the day they
retired because there just wasn't a higher position (and that will now
be the same with this position, but at least I get an executive in my

Other than that, just trying to figure out where to go for my sabbatical
this year. Between the sabbatical and regular vacation, I've got 10
weeks off this year.


On 2/17/2025 12:37 PM, Katrina Knight wrote:
> No social media has ever come close to replacing the mailing list as
> far as I'm concerned.
> Let's talk here! How is everyone?
> At 09:17 AM 2/17/2025 Deb Counts-Tabor wrote:
>> Tried with dreamwidth to replace facebook/livejournal, let's try here
>> as well, just in case. The mail list was the most robust and could be
>> again!
>> Deb

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