If you have any recommendation for Avengers fanfic, I would definitely be interested. :)Anything by SciFiGrl47 (don't know whether she actually capitalizes it or not, but that makes it easier to read) or CopperBadge. Both are on tumblr and AO3 (AO3 links: http://archiveofourown.org/users/scifigrl47/pseuds/scifigrl47 and http://archiveofourown.org/users/copperbadge/pseuds/copperbadge). I also enjoy Gwynhefar's work (http://archiveofourown.org/users/gwynhefar); it's because of her that I now ship Coulson/Clint
I'll second both scifigrl47 and copperbadge. Also Ralkana, orderlychaos, and Raiining - all on AO3.
As for Gwynhefar . . . well, that's me. *waves*. Laurie, I'm honored you like my stuff :)
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