Re: I miss TH

On Fri, Aug 1, 2014 at 1:29 PM, Kirsten Brodbeck-Kenney <> wrote:
On Fri, Aug 1, 2014 at 8:02 AM, Carol McFarland <> wrote:
I was just hired yesterday for my first librarian job!  It was perfect timing too, because yesterday was my last day for a library internship I was doing.  I will be a part time Youth Services Librarian.

Not only will this be my first actual job in my dream field, but it might be the financial boost my husband and I have been desperately needing.

So if I may, do the other librarians on the list have any tips for my first librarian job? :)

Congratulations, that's wonderful! My advice: observe the other librarians as much as you can, and learn everything you can from them. Don't get sucked in by any cynicism that the oldheads display, but do file it away: there's often valuable nuggets there, career-planning-wise. Read a LOT. And don't worry if a program doesn't go the way you'd planned, just treat it as a learning experience. 

What age range will you be working with?



Thank you! So, listen to their wisdom, but take things with a grain of salt?  I have worked as a story time intern before, so I do have some small experience with programs not going as planned.  I love that my job requires me to be reading almost constantly. :)
I honestly don't remember what my assigned age range will be.  I will get back to you on that one!   I believe that I will be working with everybody except for teens?

- Carol

Ancora Imparo  ( I am still learning) ~Michelangelo

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