Workshop 1: Why We Need Good Jobs for Strong Communities
What defines a bad job? Low wages, part-time hours, no benefits and no stability. With over a million bad jobs in
Come to this workshop on its own or along with Workshop 2: Getting to Good Jobs
Workshop 2: Getting to Good Jobs
From the Walmart campaign to immigrant worker centers to national efforts to improve airport jobs to initiatives to improve part time and temporary work, there are exciting and innovative fights underway across the country and here in Greater Boston. Come join in mapping some of those fights underway locally. Explore the extent these campaigns can impact your neighborhood and how you can be part of those fights. Take a look to see if what we are doing now is enough. Share your views on whether we can really take on the huge low wage economy. What strengths do we have and who needs to step up? See what first steps you can take.
Come to this workshop on its own or along with Workshop 1: Why We Need Good Jobs for Strong Communities
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