RE:Re: Dune trivia

I really tried to read it as well; too much like torture. I decided it was a fail for me
just did not get it at all

I also don't listen to Oral books; I can't keep my focus - I am reading on Kindle (much easier to hold than some of the books in paper).  Also, I can read the book on my laptop or the Kindle.  I have found a way to read 3 to 5 books in an overlapping sense (Persuasion on the PC, something else on the Kindle and One Salty Sea in my purse and  in paperback).  I will need to select out a book or 2 for Portland.  Maybe some swapping of paperbacks could occur.

Susan Allen
Kill them with kindness. Unless you have a gun."

-------Original Message-------
From: Grey Malkin
Sent: 07/25/2012 03:59 AM
Subject:Re: Dune trivia

> It's ok, I've never been able to finish Little, Big, in spite of
> everyone telling me it's wonderful. I did just buy a new copy for the
> library, though, so maybe I'll give it another shot.

Oh, thank goodness.  I thought I was the only one.


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