----- Original Message -----From: SusanSent: Wednesday, July 25, 2012 6:22 PMSubject: RE:the Tamson House in-groupI have been on this list for years; I am not aware of an "In group"; but many people have joined, left, returned or vanished into collective memory.
While there is always hope, please hope for realistic goals; treat the members of the list with respect; the collective education and life experience and/or knowledge is impressive.
Stay or go; that is ultimately your decision; how you behave here and treat the Tamson House membership will make your experience a delight or a misery.
Susan Allen
Kill them with kindness. Unless you have a gun.
Sibyl said:
> I'd still like to be *part* of the in-group here, but maybe there's no hope...
Just be "kind". SYbyl.
Manda ( who is stillsmiling) sorry bout the font here, hey\
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