Re: Aurora

On Jul 25, 2012, at 3:38 AM, Donna Scanlon wrote:

> That would be at least 8 or 10 points. Of course, some of the old time
> gansey knitters used a lot of needles....
> Donna, misty eyed

Wait... thinking about stabbing loved ones makes you all misty eyed?

Are you really sitting there in a wistful reverie thinking, "oh, those were the days, when I was a woman in the bloom of her youth, viciously jabbing gansey needles into any passing husband! Oh, Kirsten, what happiness you have ahead of you!"

Because that's downright terrifying. That's the kind of woman that knits nightmares.

Please tell me that you're just horribly depressed. Or suicidal. Or mourning a dead hamster. I'd be comforted if I knew you were just miserable instead of getting some sort of joyful tear in your eye just thinking about the pain my kind, loving, wonderful, absolutely perfect (Please believe me, Kirsten! Don't hurt me!) wife could inflict on me with a No. 6 and a swift jab.

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