Re: Super Moon

In a message dated 5/6/2012 7:51:13 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time, writes:
Anybody catch the super moon last night?  I forgot, when I agreed to
go to the movies with some friends, that I had wanted to see about
taking my camera somewhere with a good eastern view.  By the time we
got out of the theatre, the moon was already well above the horizon,
and very, very bright.  I could actually see the tops of the hills
south of town by moonlight.

I'm not sorry I went to the movies, though; The Avengers is awesome.
I did!!!! It rose a little before 8 and was a gorgeous salmon color before turning diamond white...I went out every 15 minutes to get a look until midnight. Should be lovely again tonight....
Leslie K. Valente

Amagansett, New York

Bella Blu Farm
Wellington, Florida

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