Re: Happy Apple said:
>> 'Salright. =A0I rather like the idea that a toddler was running around Mo=
>> rdor.
> One does not allow a toddler to simply run around Mordor.

Hmm... Most toddlers I've had experience with have had a greater destructive
capability than yer average Uruk-Hai. A herd of toddlers could have been
been Gandalf's sekrit weapon.

Speaking of sekrit weapons, I've got another question about LotR. A couple
questions, actually. These particular questions are about the Witch-King of

Why do you suppose that he'd ever venture out onto a battlefield, given that
his existence depended on a technicality? Sure, sure, Sauron says, "Hop to
it!" and WKoA says, "Yes sir, Your Flaming Eyeballiness!" But he's got a
dragon (which can kill him) and he can soar safely above the battlefield,
away from the orcs, trolls, dwarves, elves, women, hobbits, toddlers,
elephants, giraffes, zebras, splinters, amoebic dissentery, flesh wounds,
and other non-men things that can kill him. Why risk it?

Sure, sure, you can say he's ignorant of the technicality, but you'd think
someone whose very name says, "I know lots about magic!" would have an idea
that there's a horkin' big loophole painted on his chest.

My other question is about the Witch-King of Angmar's ring. What happened
to it when he died? Was it left just lying on the battlefield, waiting for
another witch-king to come along? Did someone snag it as a bit of plunder?
Maybe Gandalf could have given it to someone for use in the big battle at
the Gates of Mordor. It might have been nice and soul-corrupty that quickly,
but they were deadbeef anyway if The Ring wasn't destroyed.


PS. I saw Resident Evil 2 several Saturdays ago. I was glad to see that
Nemesis was able to escape Raccoon City and get a new job as the Mouth of

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