Re: Visas

On Thu, Mar 29, 2012 at 8:57 AM, Ellen Rawson <> wrote:

--- On Wed, 3/28/12, Gwyn Ryan <> wrote:

> So your current passport is from South Africa? Or UAE? 
> And they
> require an interview?  Interesting. 

I worked with a woman from South Africa a few years ago. She needed a special visa to go practically anywhere as she only had a South African passport. Jax -- what are the countries you don't need a visa for? I think she said the Netherlands and someplace else, but I don't remember.

Hm. I dunno. I've been to the Netherlands, but it was part of a Europe tour, so I got a schengen visa which gives you access to all the members of the EU. I think you can get into some of the African countries neighbouring us (like Swaziland) without a visa, but I'm not even sure about that. I pretty much assume I'm going to need one whenever I travel unless I'm going back to SA!

On the plus side, I've done it enough now that I'm pretty adept at navigating the bureacracies. It's just time consuming and expensive. The fact that I have to get this visa, and that I have to go to Auckland to do so is adding like NZ$600 to the cost of my trip. 
The appointments are first thing in the morning too. Like, the latest is 9am. And there are no early flights from Dunedin, so I have to spend a night there. Thank goodness I have friends in Auckland. Else I'd be adding a hotel to that too! 

 My experience
> is pretty much
> limited to travelling from the US to places like France,
> Mexico,
> Dominican Republic, and Jamaica -- no interviews required
> for any of
> those, just a form to fill out and a stamp in the
> customs/immigration
> line when you get off the plane.

The US makes it difficult if you're not American to visit there. Even if you have a passport from one of the visa waiver countries, the requirements are a pain nowadays. And the stupid form they have to fill out. Do you intend to overthrow by force the government of the United States? Yes/No.

Yeah, the form is kind of hilarious. Do you intend to assassinate the president? Do you intend to engage in terrorist activity? 
But Ian would have to fill out an on-line form in advance stating his intention to travel to the US -- or he's not allowed in the country.

Of course, he has to be fingerprinted and photographed as well. I don't.

I already got fingerprinted last time, so I don't have to repeat it. 

It's funny, I found the visa waiver form a BREEZE. But that's probably because I've been dealing with this sort of crap my whole travelling life. ;) 
We have a friend who couldn't use the visa waiver programme because he has a drink driving conviction from years and years ago. He doesn't even drive any longer nor does he drink alcohol, but due to that conviction, the US considers him a felon. To visit the US, he'd have to apply for a special visa. He and his wife gave up on their planned US holiday and went elsewhere instead.

I phoned them to check I could fill it in for C. It was a funny conversation. 

"Hi, I have a year old child who is a NZ citizen. I'm South African. Can I put him through the visa waiver program?"
"Hang on let me check." *long pause* "Yes he does need a visa, even though he's a baby." 
"No, wait, listen to my question." *repeats question*
"Oh. Oh, yes, I think so."
"Even though there's that clause about how you have to understand what you're saying and so on? He's a year old. He doesn't understand. I am filling it in for him. There is nothing on the form that allows for that. That's okay right?"
"Yes. Yes, I think so."
"Can you be sure please?" 
"Wait let me check." *long pause* "Yes, that's okay." 
"Great, thanks." 

"To laugh often and much; to win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of children; to earn the appreciation of honest critics and endure the betrayal of false friends; to appreciate beauty, to find the best in others; to leave the world a bit better, whether by a healthy child, a garden patch, or a redeemed social condition; to know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived. This is to have succeeded." Ralph Waldo Emerson.

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