Re: Religion was left-handedness

On Mar 18, 12:36 am, Sibyl Smirl <> wrote:
> On 3/17/12 10:15 PM, Matt Bear-Fowler wrote:

> Okay, Matt (and I apologize for mistyping your name for Mal's way back
> there).  If you say that I've been behaving badly, I'll believe it,
> though I still can't see it, or how any of what Mal and Jenny were
> saying came anywhere near accurate.  I had the impression that Jenny was
> just offended and annoyed because I brought a Christian principle into a
> Druidic thread, and called in Mal to help beat me up.

Snort. Like I would need backup.

What I objected to, and have stated this time and again, was that
knowing nothing about the druid order we were talking about, you go
and stick in a christian ethic, which had NOTHING TO DO WITH ANYTHING
we were talking about. I object to you acting as if it was something
factual. I object to you stating things as fact then later claiming
them to be opinion.

I have no problems with normal christians. I do have a problem with
crazy christians (and crazy of any religion). The fact that you then
later quotes scads of Bible verses makes me think you're one of the
crazy christians.

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