To Sibyl

Sibyl, I believe that you want to be a part of this group, and you are in fact a part of it.  No one can "eject" anyone from the house (except maybe our iron-fisted but never ham-handed dictator), people can only remove themselves.


I also believe that you may have a long-standing habit of reacting in an angry or defensive or aggressive manner in response to people you think are acting badly toward you.  Your misperception of how people are treating you may arise from an Asperger-like outlook.  Your (angry, defensive, or aggressive) response, however, is not an inherent quality of the condition, as I understand it from a layperson's perspective.


Does your mental health provider offer counseling?  You might want to discuss how you can be more successful on discussion boards.  As another option, I propose an experiment.  I am not a counselor (although sometimes people call me "counselor"), but you might find the results interesting.


Here it is.  For three days, post at least three times a day (or more).  The guidelines are as follows:


1.  The posts can be on a new subject, or in response to someone else.


2.  The posts should be positive in tone.  For example, say what you like about a movie, or a book, or an author.   Talk about something that happened in the world that ended well. Tell about something good that happened to you today.  Tell about something that pleases you.  Send a link to a funny article, or a video about cats, or baby goats.


3.  If you perceive a slight in what someone else says, don't respond to it at all.  Just let it go.  Of course people are generally entitled to respond to anything on this list, but don't respond for these three days, for the sake of the experiment.


4.  Don't talk about Asperger's, or any autism-spectrum disorder, or participate in anyone else's discussion about it.  Again, people are entitled to talk about it on this list, but don't do it for these three days.


5.  Before you hit "send", review your posts to make sure they meet the guidelines.


If you are interested in doing this experiment, please say so, and also say whether you will accept gentle reminders about the guidelines.  In return, anyone who speaks inappropriately to you during the course of the experiment will also receive a gentle reminder that an experiment is in progress.  I hope you will try it, because I am interested in the result as well.







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Re: I miss TH

On 7/31/14 3:46 PM, Donna Scanlon wrote:
> And a note on Henry: Neither he nor I ever use his Asperger's as an
> excuse. We note it as an /explanation/ because at times, he doesn't
> intend to be rude or weird. It's a factor of his challenge and sometimes
> people need to know what to ignore. I'd prefer he not be lumped in with
> other imaginary Aspies!

I am not an "imaginary Aspie" and I was not "diagnosed on the internet."
I was diagnosed seven years ago, aged 63, by a PhD Psychologist
specializing in Autism at the Parsons State Children's Hospital in
Parsons, Kansas. She was writing a paper on older Asperger's people who
had spent most of their lives undiagnosed, and she asked a lot of local
Mental Health Centers to send her subjects who might fit that. The
place where I was getting my antidepressants (nobody there qualified to
diagnose Asperger's) sent me to her. She diagnosed me. I was delighted
to find out (I'd always known that I was different) just _what_ was
different about my wiring, and I've been reading about it (much reading
on paper, and much on the internet) and getting more enlightened about
connections with my memories ever since.

My parents, way back when, didn't need to do any adjusting. They
thought that I was both "normal" and well above average in intelligence.
Unfortunately, I've been failing at things all my life, which didn't
make sense with early assessments of my potential.

Just to get that straight.

But clearly this is not the place for me, considering how quickly I
failed the second time I tried to connect. It took me longer to fail
the first time. I wish there were a real Tamson House. But you folks
don't even feel like de Lint fans.

Sibyl Smirl
I will take no bull from your house! Psalms 50:9a

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Re: I miss TH

On Thu, Jul 31, 2014 at 4:46 PM, Donna Scanlon <> wrote:
I miss TH, the email list.

I was thinking about the [time sink that is the] TH list just the other day. I miss it and I don't. I am too easily distracted.


That's my story, except for the alien abduction, but we won't go there.


​Nice to hear from you, Donna!  I'm glad you're well.  ish.

Randall ("still lurking about!")

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Re: I miss TH

On Thu, Jul 31, 2014 at 3:00 AM, 'Ellen Rawson' via Tamson House <> wrote:

What's up with everybody? How are all of you?

*waves* I'm great! Mal and I are coming up on our 5th anniversary in a little over a week, believe it or not. We're still living on the Oregon Coast, in Lincoln City; I'm the library director here, now, and Mal is doing some freelance computer work and quite a bit of freelance writing for the audiophile press. We've spent most of our vacations lately covering hifi shows, and have both written some reviews and such (I can offer up links to our work if you're interested, but unless high end headphones or massively expensive speakers float your boat, you're probably fine giving it a miss). We recently purchased our house, too, which means we are soon embarking on remodeling. Basically things are pretty awesome.

Kirsten (Crow/Crowhead)

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Re: I miss TH

I miss TH, the email list.

I was thinking about the [time sink that is the] TH list just the other day. I miss it and I don't. I am too easily distracted.

I'm still substitute teaching, so I'm off right now. One of the beauties of working for a sub agency is that I can collect unemployment over the summer. I also work for a school district not affiliated with the agency, and I don't collect unemployment for them. This is my time to be a chauffeur--neither kid has a license yet for various reasons, including that even if they don't do any driving, if they have licenses, we have to cover them on our insurance.

I've pretty much come to accept that I will not get a regular teaching job. I'm too old--in less than a week, I'll be 55, the age when a lot of teachers think about retiring--and I have two master's degrees. The advantages to subbing are that I don't have to take work home with me, and I have some flexibility. The downside is that the pay sucks, and if I don't work, I don't get paid. So I sub pretty much every day during the school year.

Lucy is going into her junior year at Muhlenberg College where she is a neuroscience major. She loves it. She also plays rugby. I love telling people she's the loosehead prop for the hooker. We didn't understand rugby until we went to a match, and after the match, we still didn't understand it.

Henry has really been in a holding pattern since graduating high school. He still does the youth theater program in the summer, acting as an assistant director in the past few years. Over the school year, he will be joining the director and another adult in revising the script for next year's production. He's also very close to being able to apply for the state autism waiver which provides funds for services like life skills or therapy or whatever. He's 10th on the list--you have to be on the list to request an application because there aren't many spaces available.

And a note on Henry: Neither he nor I ever use his Asperger's as an excuse. We note it as an explanation because at times, he doesn't intend to be rude or weird. It's a factor of his challenge and sometimes people need to know what to ignore. I'd prefer he not be lumped in with other imaginary Aspies!

Stephen was laid off in March 2013 and in the fall found a job as an intake interviewer for the unemployment compensation program. It's not the greatest, and right now, his hours are cut back. He's been on a lot of interviews for civil service jobs, though, and I'm hoping something comes of that. Soon.

As for me, I've been, well, depressed, and I continue to struggle with dysthymia. Last January, I was diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes but six months later, after modifying my diet, I have lost 20 lbs. (and I worry that they are hiding in a dark alley waiting for me to walk by) and dropped down to "prediabetic." Next goal--to lose 10 more lbs and the pre-diagnosis. My blood pressure is delightfully unremarkable as well.

I'm still not organized, still battling the laundry monster, and I don't go out much. I haven't been writing very much, but I'm reading and knitting and reading and knitting....

That's my story, except for the alien abduction, but we won't go there.


* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
You can call yourself whatever you want; it's what you do that matters.

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Re: I miss TH said:
> Or perhaps we could change it up - a pain in the fucking ass?

I guess that'd work. I only have the one, so I can't assign specific roles
to different ones.

>> Living with someone with mental issues is hard as fuck
> ... difficult as fuck".

Also, some of us have problems with, um, getting, um...

Never mind. said:
> I love you Wayne. :D

And moochas smoochas right back to you, you delightful Solarwyrm*.


* That's what's known as a leading hint for a topic of discussion.

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Re: I miss TH

On Fri, Aug 1, 2014 at 5:11 AM, Wayne Morrison <> wrote: said:
> Living with someone with mental issues is hard as fuck

I am offended by your language.  In future, please say something like "... difficult as fuck".  Think of the children.


I love you Wayne. :D



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"To laugh often and much; to win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of children; to earn the appreciation of honest critics and endure the betrayal of false friends; to appreciate beauty, to find the best in others; to leave the world a bit better, whether by a healthy child, a garden patch, or a redeemed social condition; to know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived. This is to have succeeded." Ralph Waldo Emerson.

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Re: I miss TH

On Fri, Aug 1, 2014 at 4:28 AM, Matt Bear-Fowler <> wrote:

On Thu, Jul 31, 2014 at 12:24 PM, Sibyl Smirl <> wrote:
On 7/31/14 11:07 AM, Matt Bear-Fowler wrote:
What the fuck? Was there any need for any of this rudeness, Sibyl?

Maybe it came from the same place as the rudeness that caused you to put "unprintable" words in print.

I know it came from the same place as the rudeness that drove me off this cozy little Exclusive Social Club for a while.  (BTW, "Social" is a dirty word for an Aspie: we don't necessarily get it, but we do hanker after some of it.)

Perhaps it would have been better for you to stay away, if your first message here in ages is to be incredibly rude, unprovoked, to one of the nicest people in this online community. Why the fuck DID you come back if you dislike us that much?

And there's no such fucking thing as a fucking unprintable fucking word. Fuck.

Heh, oh how I have missed the amazing TH flamewars. 

Sibyl, my dear, I have known many 'Aspies' who somehow manage to wear that title without letting it turn them into asshats. I have a particular pet peeve for the "you can't get mad at me for being obnoxious because of my Mental Illness!" school of thought, precisely because of the number of people I know and have known who manage to be compassionate awesome people while still having Aspergers (and any number of other conditions). 

You'll get compassion and support here, but not if you can't manage to own your shit, or if you use it as an excuse for bad behaviour. 

And Ellen is, as Matt said, one of the nicest people here. Way nicer than me, for example. So oh boy did you pick your target badly. 




 "The modern view seems to me to involve a false conception of growth. They accuse us of arrested development because we have not lost a taste we had in childhood. But surely arrested development consists not in refusing to lose old things but in failing to add new things? . . . Where I formerly had one pleasure, I now have two."
— C.S. Lewis, On Stories: And Other Essays on Literature

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"To laugh often and much; to win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of children; to earn the appreciation of honest critics and endure the betrayal of false friends; to appreciate beauty, to find the best in others; to leave the world a bit better, whether by a healthy child, a garden patch, or a redeemed social condition; to know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived. This is to have succeeded." Ralph Waldo Emerson.

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Re: I miss TH

>On 7/31/14 11:07 AM, Matt Bear-Fowler wrote:
>> What the fuck? Was there any need for any of this rudeness, Sibyl?

>Sibyl Smirl wrote:
>Maybe it came from the same place as the rudeness that caused you to put
>"unprintable" words in print.
>I know it came from the same place as the rudeness that drove me off
>this cozy little Exclusive Social Club for a while. (BTW, "Social" is a
>dirty word for an Aspie: we don't necessarily get it, but we do hanker
>after some of it.)

As I recall, Sibyl was diagnosed via internet with Asperger's Syndrome late in life, and now uses it to justify her angry and confrontational comments. I am going to rediagnose her, via internet, with Obnoxious Personality Disorder, which I think has more to do with her commentary than any possible Aspergers.


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Re: I miss TH

Asked Ellen:
What kind of critters not supposed to be in the house were in the attic?  I'm remembering a time when squirrels got into an old, unused chimney in my childhood house. They were soooo loud and they also drove the cats crazy. One of those cats later did kill a squirrel, although I doubt it was one of the ones in the chimney.

Probably squirrels.  Maybe chipmunks.  I suppose some of the scrabbling could be bats; I understand that they're pretty loud when they walk.  I wasn't about to stick my head through the ceiling hatch at 1:30 in the morning to find out.  Actually, I've never been in the attic in this house; I don't even know if there are lights up there.  The cats clearly didn't hear them though, as they were both sound asleep when I came downstairs.

We actually had squirrels get into the house proper a couple of times when I was a kid.  I remember chasing a squirrel around the living room when my parents weren't home (it kept going up and down the curtains and across the curtain rods) and finally going next door to get the neighbor to help me.  I can't remember whether he actually caught the squirrel or not, but he must have.


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Re: I miss TH

On Thu, Jul 31, 2014 at 10:00 PM, 'Ellen Rawson' via Tamson House <> wrote:
I admit it.

I miss TH, the email list.

I know, I know. Email is dead. Mailing lists are so 1990s. Facebook is it. Even Live Journal is so noughties.

But Facebook isn't where most of us really share what's happening with us, and I miss you people. A lot.

What's up with everybody? How are all of you?

I miss it too. :) TH was the first online community I ever joined, and all the others have been struggling to measure up ever since. ;P 

Let's see, I left my husband two years ago, our divorce should be coming through in the next month or so. It has been quite a ride the last two years - lots of turmoil and difficulty, but I am starting to really be able to see that my life is going where I want it to go. 

I've been writing and editing a lot, enough that now if you search me on Amazon you find me. Which is pretty nifty, and kind of makes me feel like a Real Writer (tm). ;) I've applied to do a diploma in publishing in Wellington next year, so if I get into that, I am hopeful that it's going to open a few doors and I'll be able to get a Real Job in the industry before Christopher starts school proper. Plus it'll get me out of freezing cold no sun Dunedin, which... well, that's long overdue. 

Christopher is now three and a half, and is absolutely amazing. I thought I'd enjoy being a Mom, but I had no idea how much. I really do love it. It's the most rewarding thing I've ever done, and my kid is awesome. :D I know, I may be a touch biased, but other people who meet him seem to agree. 

So things are tough, have been tough, but they're definitely getting better, and even though it has been pretty difficult, I feel like my life is heading in the right direction. So. Totes worth it. :D

Nice to see you all back in my inbox. <3!




"Literature stops in 1100.  After that, it's just books."
-- JRR Tolkien

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"To laugh often and much; to win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of children; to earn the appreciation of honest critics and endure the betrayal of false friends; to appreciate beauty, to find the best in others; to leave the world a bit better, whether by a healthy child, a garden patch, or a redeemed social condition; to know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived. This is to have succeeded." Ralph Waldo Emerson.

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Re: I miss TH

How about fucking difficult? Or perhaps we could change it up - a pain in the fucking ass?

Sent mobile!

> On Jul 31, 2014, at 10:11 AM, Wayne Morrison <> wrote:
> said:
>> Living with someone with mental issues is hard as fuck
> I am offended by your language. In future, please say something like "... difficult as fuck". Think of the children.
> Wayne
> --
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Re: I miss TH said:
> Living with someone with mental issues is hard as fuck

I am offended by your language. In future, please say something like "... difficult as fuck". Think of the children.


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Re: I miss TH

 ----- Original Message -----
> From: Sibyl Smirl <>

>> Um, okay, if you say so. I didn't realise that I didn't, though.
> Sorry.  I guess I should apologize for not checking my paranoia level
> before posting.  I don't think it was you, back when I was ejected,
> anyway.  Give me some credit, though:  I did remember the List Rule
> about Top Posting!

Thank you for the apology.

I don't remember you being ejected, but my memories are kind of fuzzy. If I was responsible, I apologise.

Sometimes, things get emotional in the virtual world. However, over the years on Tamson House, I have met some wonderful people. Heck, I married one of them and moved to another country for him. (Yes, we're still married. 9 August ends my 14th year of living in England, which amazes me. I've been here that long? Really? :) There have been occasional falling outs with some people, just as happens with people we see in the flesh every day, but I still care about those folks and hope to mend any rifts.

For me, I have just under three weeks left on my summer holiday. I return to work on Thursday, 21 August, GCSE results day. I'm still teaching A levels at a Further Education (FE) college nearby and am trying to deal with the changes to A levels happening in a year. Whilst we don't start teaching until September, we go back to campus starting on GCSE results day to welcome and enrol the new first years. (I'm also amazed that this September marks my 32nd year of teaching.) This means that I've been off work for 2.5 weeks. Whee!!! I've been focusing on reading (for fun and for work), sewing (mostly real life clothing, not medieval garb at the moment), gardening (major weeding and hedge trimming, and we've both been working on trimming the golden greengage tree -- it's overgrown; we've already gone after the part threatening the property fence and the neighbour's shed and we're now working on the bit threatening our house), house cleaning and painting --
exterior window woodwork and the garage door. I'm taking advantage of being off work whilst there's lots of sunshine.


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Re: I miss TH

On Jul 31, 2014 3:00 AM, "'Ellen Rawson' via Tamson House" <> wrote:
> I admit it.
> I miss TH, the email list.

I do, too. It was my first real chance to meet and really talk to people online. It led to life long friendships for me. It was a huge influence in my life and I still occasionally talk about it to other friends.

When there are occasional revivals like this one, I anticipate every email reply and read them all.

> What's up with everybody? How are all of you?

Oy. Where to even start?

As some of you know, I lost my mother in May 2012 and had to deal with her nightmare of a house, as she was a hoarder. That was the last straw for my ten year old marriage. We split in July 2012, finalized the divorce in September 2013.

I have spent the time since trying to put myself back together. 2012 was a hell of a year that left me rethinking every single thing in my life.

I went to school for a bit and will be continuing at a new community college as soon as I can get the new program sorted. I am studying information security and forensics, with the eventual goal of becoming an information security auditor/tester.

I have fallen in love again this year, something that I thought would never happen again, with a dear friend. We are in the middle of the process of moving in together. At this point in my life, I can actually say that I am the happiest that I have ever been. My life and the people in it are totally amazing. As you know, this is a huge change, too.

This year in September, I turn 40. Two days before that, the Elder, who now goes by Kieran, turns 21. Yes, I said 21. Two months after that, the Younger, who now goes by Felix, turns 18. I think that he was two or less when I first joined this list. 40 didn't feel old to me, but thinking about having 21 and 18 year old sons certainly makes me feel that way.

~ Maida/Mac, formerly Liss

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Re: I miss TH

Well that escalated quickly.

Not even gonna try to top or bottom or all-through post on the phone!

I miss TH (in spirit and format) as well. I also miss LJ - Facebook and tumblr just aren't great conversation mediums.

I'm doing well in self-employment, real estate chugs along and the shrubs are getting a little national attention, so that's lovely.

Relationship status is still on, 24 years last week. Living with someone with mental issues is hard as fuck, and there are almost no resources I can find for partners, and I hate to seem like I'm bitching so I usually just say everything is good and leave it at that, but peri-menopause has made me mouthier.

I haven't read an actual book in ages, but I listen to audiobooks and podcasts, and read sweeping multi-book numbers of fan fiction. :)

I am sad Crossbones got cancelled, and eagerly await the return of Hannibal and Sleepy Hollow.

Sent mobile!

> On Jul 31, 2014, at 9:14 AM, "'Ellen Rawson' via Tamson House" <> wrote:
> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: Sibyl Smirl <>
>> So why miss it? I'm getting this and replies by e-mail, and answering
>> by e-mail. Check your prefs on the web board, you can probably do it
>> too. I don't like web-boards, anyway: they don't mesh with my Aspergic
>> brain somehow. I do tolerate FaceBook, but it's only good for some
>> kinds of things.
> Well, I used email to write and send the message to which you replied. When I said that email is so '90s, I was being sarcastic. (However, it is a sentiment I've heard and seen here and there.)
> What I miss is the constant communication via the TH email list. Is that clearer? :)
>> As for your last paragraph, I'm not going to try to answer it, because
>> you don't give a damn how I am.
> Um, okay, if you say so. I didn't realise that I didn't, though.
> Ellen
> --
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Re: I miss TH

On Thu, Jul 31, 2014 at 12:24 PM, Sibyl Smirl <> wrote:
On 7/31/14 11:07 AM, Matt Bear-Fowler wrote:
What the fuck? Was there any need for any of this rudeness, Sibyl?

Maybe it came from the same place as the rudeness that caused you to put "unprintable" words in print.

I know it came from the same place as the rudeness that drove me off this cozy little Exclusive Social Club for a while.  (BTW, "Social" is a dirty word for an Aspie: we don't necessarily get it, but we do hanker after some of it.)

Perhaps it would have been better for you to stay away, if your first message here in ages is to be incredibly rude, unprovoked, to one of the nicest people in this online community. Why the fuck DID you come back if you dislike us that much?

And there's no such fucking thing as a fucking unprintable fucking word. Fuck.


 "The modern view seems to me to involve a false conception of growth. They accuse us of arrested development because we have not lost a taste we had in childhood. But surely arrested development consists not in refusing to lose old things but in failing to add new things? . . . Where I formerly had one pleasure, I now have two."
— C.S. Lewis, On Stories: And Other Essays on Literature

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Re: I miss TH

On 7/31/14 11:14 AM, 'Ellen Rawson' via Tamson House wrote:
> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: Sibyl Smirl <>
>> So why miss it? I'm getting this and replies by e-mail, and answering
>> by e-mail. Check your prefs on the web board, you can probably do it
>> too. I don't like web-boards, anyway: they don't mesh with my Aspergic
>> brain somehow. I do tolerate FaceBook, but it's only good for some
>> kinds of things.
> Well, I used email to write and send the message to which you replied. When I said that email is so '90s, I was being sarcastic. (However, it is a sentiment I've heard and seen here and there.)
> What I miss is the constant communication via the TH email list. Is that clearer? :)
>> As for your last paragraph, I'm not going to try to answer it, because
>> you don't give a damn how I am.
> Um, okay, if you say so. I didn't realise that I didn't, though.

Sorry. I guess I should apologize for not checking my paranoia level
before posting. I don't think it was you, back when I was ejected,
anyway. Give me some credit, though: I did remember the List Rule
about Top Posting!

Sibyl Smirl
I will take no bull from your house! Psalms 50:9a

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Re: I miss TH

On 7/31/14 11:07 AM, Matt Bear-Fowler wrote:
> What the fuck? Was there any need for any of this rudeness, Sibyl?

Maybe it came from the same place as the rudeness that caused you to put
"unprintable" words in print.

I know it came from the same place as the rudeness that drove me off
this cozy little Exclusive Social Club for a while. (BTW, "Social" is a
dirty word for an Aspie: we don't necessarily get it, but we do hanker
after some of it.)

Sibyl Smirl
I will take no bull from your house! Psalms 50:9a

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Re: I miss TH

----- Original Message -----

> From: Sibyl Smirl <>

> So why miss it?  I'm getting this and replies by e-mail, and answering
> by e-mail.  Check your prefs on the web board, you can probably do it
> too.  I don't like web-boards, anyway: they don't mesh with my Aspergic
> brain somehow.  I do tolerate FaceBook, but it's only good for some
> kinds of things.

Well, I used email to write and send the message to which you replied. When I said that email is so '90s, I was being sarcastic. (However, it is a sentiment I've heard and seen here and there.)

What I miss is the constant communication via the TH email list.  Is that clearer? :)

> As for your last paragraph, I'm not going to try to answer it, because
> you don't give a damn how I am.

Um, okay, if you say so. I didn't realise that I didn't, though.


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Re: I miss TH

On Thu, Jul 31, 2014 at 12:04 PM, Sibyl Smirl <> wrote:

So why miss it?  I'm getting this and replies by e-mail, and answering by e-mail.  Check your prefs on the web board, you can probably do it too.  I don't like web-boards, anyway: they don't mesh with my Aspergic brain somehow.  I do tolerate FaceBook, but it's only good for some kinds of things.

As for your last paragraph, I'm not going to try to answer it, because you don't give a damn how I am.

What the fuck? Was there any need for any of this rudeness, Sibyl?


 "The modern view seems to me to involve a false conception of growth. They accuse us of arrested development because we have not lost a taste we had in childhood. But surely arrested development consists not in refusing to lose old things but in failing to add new things? . . . Where I formerly had one pleasure, I now have two."
— C.S. Lewis, On Stories: And Other Essays on Literature

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Re: I miss TH

On 7/31/14 5:00 AM, 'Ellen Rawson' via Tamson House wrote:
> I admit it.
> I miss TH, the email list.
> I know, I know. Email is dead. Mailing lists are so 1990s. Facebook is it. Even Live Journal is so noughties.
> But Facebook isn't where most of us really share what's happening with us, and I miss you people. A lot.
> What's up with everybody? How are all of you?

So why miss it? I'm getting this and replies by e-mail, and answering
by e-mail. Check your prefs on the web board, you can probably do it
too. I don't like web-boards, anyway: they don't mesh with my Aspergic
brain somehow. I do tolerate FaceBook, but it's only good for some
kinds of things.

As for your last paragraph, I'm not going to try to answer it, because
you don't give a damn how I am.

Sibyl Smirl
I will take no bull from your house! Psalms 50:9a

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Re: I miss TH

> From: Grey Malkin <>

>I know, I know. Email is dead. Mailing lists are so 1990s. Facebook is it. Even Live Journal is so noughties.
>Insert "naughty" pun here.
I suppose they were the naughty noughties for some people. :)

>This morning?  Well, there were critters in the attic scrabbling over my bed at 1:30.  Just as I'd fall back asleep, they'd scrabble some more, so I came downstairs and spent the rest of the night only dozing on the couch, got up at the usual time, fed the critters who are SUPPOSED to be in the house, then went back to bed for a bit.  Now I'm planning to be late for work....

What kind of critters not supposed to be in the house were in the attic?  I'm remembering a time when squirrels got into an old, unused chimney in my childhood house. They were soooo loud and they also drove the cats crazy. One of those cats later did kill a squirrel, although I doubt it was one of the ones in the chimney.


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Re: I miss TH

> From: Everett Warren <>

>I've been trying to schedule a hike or two with Katrina, inviting Donna to some local concerts by my band, met Charles & Maryanne back in the spring, and stayed over at David's a couple weeks ago. 

Let's hear it for mini TH get togethers. :)

>I'm playing bass (and maybe guitar) with Sofeya and the Puffins, a folk/world/blues/myth/rock band based here in Central PA.   Our first CD came out about a month ago, and there just might be another in the future,  as we've added a number of new members (including a vocalist who toured with the revival of Hair, a guitarist who also adds great low vocals to our 3 part harmony,  and myself) since it was recorded.  There's a video on Facebook of our original song Night Owl, with Ginger Doss and Lynda Millard joining us for the final choruses.  We're opening for Sharon Knight & Winter next weekend,  and for Wendy Rule at the end of the month.

It really rocks that you are opening for Wendy Rule. Way cool!

>There are a bunch of things going on I can't talk about just yet, but in other stuff: I'm back with Stacy,  I've lost more than 40 pounds since May, Justin is finishing up his last week of his last undergraduate class and will be moving in with his girlfriend at the end of August,  Rachel is going into 12th grade this coming school year and then will be off to college to deepen her current knowledge of the 40 to 50 languages she can speak and write and become a linguistic archeologist,  Mr B will be entering 5th grade and we're adjusting to his Asperger's syndrome. 

I'm glad that you and Stacy are back together. I'd seen news of the weight loss on FB, I think, and about Justin's graduating. But I'd not realised that Rachel was going to be a senior. Oy. One of my best friends back in Colorado has a daughter starting her senior year this autumn also; they've spent time this summer visiting universities. It's kids growing older that make adults feel even older. :)  And Mr B is going into 5th grade? Oy. Are things looking up now that there's an official diagnosis, as in the school accommodating him better? 

>I've even been breaking my 4 year or more pattern of not reading much by reading a little more.

Yay!! I'm doing my usual summer I want to read fun brain candy versus I should be reading things for work battle, so I'm doing a bit of both. :)  


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Re: I miss TH

Sorry - I miss the old e-mail list as well. While the traffic could be overwhelming at times, at least I knew who I was talking to and who was talking back. I have this Google/Google+ thing, but I'm not very good at it.

I keep most of my personal updates on LJ (as you've just seen) and FB is just a tad too public for me - though I do tend to use it to keep track of family.

For some reason I seem to remember that at one time there was a TH group on LJ (I'll have to go back and look again.)

So other than what I posted on LJ, in other news I have a new toy .. probably my last one I'm thinking. I finally broke down and got a Kindle Fire HDX 8.9 tablet. Now I just have to figure out how to use the silly thing. I need to find someone who can mentor me on how to use it successfully. That said, I was able to post to LJ using it and the LJ app. - a bit more time consuming, but I was relieved to find I could successfully do that + respond to comments.

On Thu, Jul 31, 2014 at 5:00 AM, 'Ellen Rawson' via Tamson House <> wrote:
I admit it.

I miss TH, the email list.

I know, I know. Email is dead. Mailing lists are so 1990s. Facebook is it. Even Live Journal is so noughties.

But Facebook isn't where most of us really share what's happening with us, and I miss you people. A lot.

What's up with everybody? How are all of you?


"Literature stops in 1100.  After that, it's just books."
-- JRR Tolkien

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treasures stolen, heroes defeated,
kingdoms plundered, businesses torched.
Call 1-800-555-LOOT for reasonably pricey estimates. No job too easy, no fee too large.

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Re: I miss TH

I miss the emails too! Have to say, I'm suffering from too much Facebook ! I even revived my blog...


Sent from my iPhone

> On Jul 31, 2014, at 6:00 AM, "'Ellen Rawson' via Tamson House" <> wrote:
> I admit it.
> I miss TH, the email list.
> I know, I know. Email is dead. Mailing lists are so 1990s. Facebook is it. Even Live Journal is so noughties.
> But Facebook isn't where most of us really share what's happening with us, and I miss you people. A lot.
> What's up with everybody? How are all of you?
> Ellen
> "Literature stops in 1100. After that, it's just books."
> -- JRR Tolkien
> --
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Tamson House" group.
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Re: I miss TH

On Jul 31, 2014 6:00 AM, "'Ellen Rawson' via Tamson House" <> wrote:
> What's up with everybody? How are all of you?

I've been trying to schedule a hike or two with Katrina, inviting Donna to some local concerts by my band, met Charles & Maryanne back in the spring, and stayed over at David's a couple weeks ago.

I'm playing bass (and maybe guitar) with Sofeya and the Puffins, a folk/world/blues/myth/rock band based here in Central PA.   Our first CD came out about a month ago, and there just might be another in the future,  as we've added a number of new members (including a vocalist who toured with the revival of Hair, a guitarist who also adds great low vocals to our 3 part harmony,  and myself) since it was recorded.  There's a video on Facebook of our original song Night Owl, with Ginger Doss and Lynda Millard joining us for the final choruses.  We're opening for Sharon Knight & Winter next weekend,  and for Wendy Rule at the end of the month.

There are a bunch of things going on I can't talk about just yet, but in other stuff: I'm back with Stacy,  I've lost more than 40 pounds since May, Justin is finishing up his last week of his last undergraduate class and will be moving in with his girlfriend at the end of August,  Rachel is going into 12th grade this coming school year and then will be off to college to deepen her current knowledge of the 40 to 50 languages she can speak and write and become a linguistic archeologist,  Mr B will be entering 5th grade and we're adjusting to his Asperger's syndrome.

I've even been breaking my 4 year or more pattern of not reading much by reading a little more.

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Re: I miss TH

On Thu, Jul 31, 2014 at 6:00 AM, 'Ellen Rawson' via Tamson House <> wrote:
I admit it.

I miss TH, the email list.

As do I.
I know, I know. Email is dead. Mailing lists are so 1990s. Facebook is it. Even Live Journal is so noughties.

Insert "naughty" pun here.

But Facebook isn't where most of us really share what's happening with us, and I miss you people. A lot.

What's up with everybody? How are all of you?

This morning?  Well, there were critters in the attic scrabbling over my bed at 1:30.  Just as I'd fall back asleep, they'd scrabble some more, so I came downstairs and spent the rest of the night only dozing on the couch, got up at the usual time, fed the critters who are SUPPOSED to be in the house, then went back to bed for a bit.  Now I'm planning to be late for work....


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Re: I miss TH

On Thu, Jul 31, 2014 at 1:14 PM, Ilana Halupovich <> wrote:

On Thu, Jul 31, 2014 at 1:00 PM, 'Ellen Rawson' via Tamson House <> wrote:
I admit it.

I miss TH, the email list.

I know, I know. Email is dead. Mailing lists are so 1990s. Facebook is it. Even Live Journal is so noughties.

But Facebook isn't where most of us really share what's happening with us, and I miss you people. A lot.

What's up with everybody? How are all of you?


"Literature stops in 1100.  After that, it's just books."
-- JRR Tolkien


It's not easy to downpost on most of the mailers :-( I do miss mailing list, 'cause, among other things, it was easier to follow the thread - easier to quote and to add the answer. 
I am doing as expected  and here's a nice site that I have found a months or two ago -
I am on their mailing list and getting each morning e-mail about free books. This morning - it was something about forge. Yesterday - something about English grammar. :-)



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Re: I miss TH

On Thu, Jul 31, 2014 at 1:00 PM, 'Ellen Rawson' via Tamson House <> wrote:
I admit it.

I miss TH, the email list.

I know, I know. Email is dead. Mailing lists are so 1990s. Facebook is it. Even Live Journal is so noughties.

But Facebook isn't where most of us really share what's happening with us, and I miss you people. A lot.

What's up with everybody? How are all of you?


"Literature stops in 1100.  After that, it's just books."
-- JRR Tolkien


It's not easy to downpost on most of the mailers :-( I do miss mailing list, 'cause, among other things, it was easier to follow the thread - easier to quote and to add the answer. 
I am doing as expected  and here's a nice site that I have found a months or two ago -
I am on their mailing list and getting each morning e-mail about free books. This morning - it was something about forge. Yesterday - something about English grammar. :-)


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I miss TH

I admit it.

I miss TH, the email list.

I know, I know. Email is dead. Mailing lists are so 1990s. Facebook is it. Even Live Journal is so noughties.

But Facebook isn't where most of us really share what's happening with us, and I miss you people. A lot.

What's up with everybody? How are all of you?


"Literature stops in 1100.  After that, it's just books."
-- JRR Tolkien

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