Studio For Rent In JLT, Armada Tower 3, Rent 50,000/- 4chqs,,,055-9186124

Studio For Rent In JLT, Armada Tower 3
Viewing Any Time
Rent 50,000/- 4chqs

Jawad Ahmed
Prudential Real Estate

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Studio For Rent In JLT, Armada Tower 3, Rent 50,000/- 4 chqs

Studio For Rent In JLT, Armada Tower 3
Lake View
Viewing Any Time 24/7
Rent 50,000/- 4 chqs
Commission Share By 3

Jawad Ahmed
Prudential Real Estate

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FW: Washington Post obituary on S. 744

The House will not pass the Senate immigration bill. Here's why.
By Aaron Blake, Updated: July 23, 2013

House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) isn't backing down from his position that the House will deal with the immigration issue piece-by-piece and won't vote on the Senate-passed bill.

And he's got good reason.

A new Washington Post-ABC News poll<> offers plenty of insights as to why Boehner doesn't feel much pressure to simply allow a vote on the Senate immigration bill, which earned the support of two-thirds of the Senate a month ago.

Let's recap them:

1. It's not popular

While a path to citizenship and increased border security are clearly popular by themselves<>, the Senate immigration bill as a package does not get overwhelming - or even majority - support. In fact, Americans are pretty lukewarm on it, with 46 percent in favor and 44 percent against. In other words, it's not like Americans are clamoring for this one piece of legislation.

2. The opposition is louder

The numbers get worse for the Senate bill once you drill down. Just 19 percent of Americans support the bill "strongly," while 30 percent oppose it strongly. And in politics, it's often the people who feel strongly who donate money and vote.

3. Supporters aren't angry enough

While polls have shown a new path to citizenship for illegal immigrants has the clear support of a majority of Americans, just 50 percent say they would be "disappointed" if it doesn't pass, compared to 40 percent who would be "relieved." And among the 50 percent that would be disappointed, just 13 percent say they would be "angry."

In addition, just 63 percent of those who would be disappointed would blame Republicans, so we're really talking about less than one-third of Americans being disappointed and blaming Republicans for it. So it's not like there would be a huge and instant public backlash if Republicans balk on the citizenship piece (and the vast majority of those who would be angry or blame Republicans likely favor Democrats anyway).

4. Americans actually like Boehner's approach

The most illustrative number in the whole poll: When asked whether they want the House to vote on the Senate bill or break down the issue into individual pieces, just 32 percent choose the Senate bill and 53 percent choose the piecemeal approach.

Much of the coverage of the immigration issue has focused on the fact that a path to citizenship is popular and that Americans want Congress to pass something. So when the Senate passed a bill that included a path to citizenship along with tough new border security elements that earned some GOP support, it seemed like an approach that Americans could support.

But this poll makes it pretty clear that the American people aren't really all that on-board with the Senate bill, and thus there is no overwhelming pressure on Boehner and GOP leaders to allow a vote on it.

In fact, you can make a pretty convincing case that Boehner's approach is the one that Americans prefer. (Though critics would note that it's much less likely to produce legislation that addresses all the issues the Senate bill would.)

In the end, the Senate bill is a political loser for Boehner. He would risk his speakership and legacy by allowing a vote on a major piece of legislation that a clear majority of House Republicans oppose (in violation of the so-called "Hastert Rule"), and it might not even pass anyway<>, if you believe some Republicans.

Yes, there is an argument to be made that Republicans need to do this for the long-term health of their party - particularly when it comes to stopping the GOP's hemorrhaging among the fast-growing Latino population. The Post-ABC poll shows that 83 percent of Hispanics would be "disappointed" if there were no path to citizenship, and 56 percent of them would blame Republicans, compared to 16 percent who would blame President Obama.

But we live in an age of instant gratification, in which Congress basically needs one of two things to pass major legislation: a hard deadline or overwhelming public pressure. And preferably both.

When it comes to the Senate immigration bill, there is neither.

(c) The Washington Post Company


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FW: [miembros-nalacc] Detalles de la propuesta de la Camara Baja empiezan a salir

Estimados miembros de NALACC,

Tal y como lo hemos señalado por meses en la sesion actual del Congreso, la version de la Casa de Representantes en cuanto a reforma a la política de inmigración va a ser significativamente peor que lo que salio del Senado. No solamente sus contenidos estarán mucho mas permeados por la lógica de restricción, exclusión y castigo; sino que su tono será tambien mucho mas humillante para las personas extranjeras que residen en los Estados Unidos de America sin papeles.

Aunque a los arquitectos y principales impulsadores del esquema denominado CIR les encanta promover la idea de que es su poder lo que ha llevado el esfuerzo de reforma hasta donde se encuentra ahora, la realidad es que el factor que mas ha venido pesando a la hora de mover a un buen numero de Republicanos es la cantidad de beneficios financieros que una reforma migratoria le rendirá a poderosos intereses corporativos. Lo verdaderamente extraño seria que los poderosos intereses corporativos no se salgan con la suya, en el tema de reforma a la política de inmigración.

Como lo hemos afirmado antes, el prospecto de que algo se apruebe este año va a ser algo que nos causara muchas acideces estomacales, sino algo peor. El resultado lógico de la estrategia que nacio alla por el 2002 bajo la premisa que oponerse a la ley de 1996 (IIRIRA) era algo que había dejado de tener sentido y que por tanto, una reforma debería concebirse dentro del marco establecido por la ley de 1996, pudiera estar a punto de traernos una reforma que al final del dia se pudiera categorizar como IIRIRA 2.0.

A futuro, la lucha por la justicia, la igualdad y los derechos humanos de la población extranjera va a ser mucho mas complicada a razón de las muchas premisas que se estarán estableciendo a razón del tipo de cambios que han sido propuestos y que tienen el potencial de convertirse en ley. Gracias por su atención.



Bipartisan group in House closes in on immigration reform compromise

By Greg Sargent, Updated: July 17, 2013

The bipartisan “gang of seven” group of House members negotiating over immigration is closing in on a plan that would include a path to citizenship, but would impose new triggers on citizenship — and new conditions on the initial legal status the undocumented would enjoy — that would put the bill significantly to the right of the Senate effort.

The details on the emerging plan — which were shared with me by an aide to one of the members of the gang — are important, because the tougher conditions it will impose could give some House Republicans a way to embrace comprehensive reform, at a time when many conservatives are still insisting on a “piecemeal” approach or are opposing any action at all. At the same time, it could conceivably be acceptable to some Dems and immigration advocates, too.

More broadly, the emerging plan could provide a test case, or an opportunity, for GOP leaders — such as John Boehner and Paul Ryan — to show they are prepared to lead on immigration by putting their weight behind a compromise proposal that has plenty both sides don’t like, and selling it to their caucus. The hope is it could be difficult for Republican leaders to flatly turn down this compromise if leading Latino Democrats — such as Reps. Luis Gutierrez and Xavier Becerra, both members of the gang — are willing to accept something to the right of the Senate bill on their side.

Here are the details, shared with me by the aide:

* The new plan would take the provisional legal status and right to work granted to the undocumented at the outset and reconfigure it as “probation.” The plan would require undocumented immigrants to admit having broken U.S. laws and admit guilt (in a civil sense), and enter into a probationary phase, during which they’d have very similar legal rights to the ones they would have under the provisional legal status in the Senate bill.

This concession is designed to help Republicans embrace comprehensive reform. It is meant to give Republicans a response to the charge of “amnesty” — the claim that a path to citizenship will reward lawbreakers — by instead requiring the undocumented to take themselves out of the shadows, admit wrongdoing, and put themselves on a species of probation.

* The plan would put in place a new trigger involving E-Verify that would be required to end that period of “probation.” The plan would stipulate that E-Verify — the system to allow businesses to determine eligibility to work in the U.S. — must be fully operational after five years. If it isn’t, all of those on probation would lose that status and revert to illegal status. This is significantly tougher than the Senate bill, which requires E-Verify to be operational for the path to citizenship to be set in motion, but would not revoke provisional legal status if it isn’t operational.

And so this, too, is meant as a way for Republicans who say they want “hard triggers” to support citizenship. This is a hard trigger. And as many immigration advocates argue, it would be a “hard trigger” that directly impacts the border. After all, the thinking goes, if it’s harder for undocumented immigrants to get jobs (as E-Verify is designed to accomplish), they will be far less likely to take the risk of entering the country illegally.

However, at the same time, if E-Verify is operational after five years, undocumented immigrants would at that point leave the “probationary” stage and enter into a temporary legal phase for another five years. At the end of this they would be able to apply for a green card, putting them on a path to citizenship that would end five years later (a total of 15 years).

I was unable to determine who gets to say whether E-Verify is fully operational. But experts following this debate fully expect there to be no problems with getting it to that point in only several years. Indeed, while the above provisions may strike some on the left as onerous, immigration advocates might be able to accept them, albeit grudgingly. That’s because this is a far more achievable trigger than the border security triggers some Republicans (such as John Cornyn) want — while it simultaneously deprives Republicans of another argument (no triggers!!!) against accepting citizenship.

“This House bill is to the right of the Senate bill — the hard trigger on E-Verify will give progressives conniptions and may well even split them,” Frank Sharry, the head of the pro-immigration America’s Voice, tells me. “But if Republicans can garner significant support for the legalization and citizenship in exchange, it will be hard for Democrats and reformers to say No, because the trigger is achievable. It might be the makings of a deal.”

I’m also told that haggling continues, because some Republicans on the gang of seven are still pushing for border triggers to be added to the bill. Thus far, however, Dems have held off that push, and the above could be what the final bill ends up looking like.

Ultimately, what this is all about is finding a way for House Republicans to get to conference negotiations with a bill that includes a path to citizenship. There is no telling whether a majority of House Republicans can bring themselves to embrace the above outline. But the thinking among Dems on the gang of seven is that even if this framework is much more onerous than the Senate bill, it provides at least a chance that Republicans will end up supporting something with citizenship in it. And getting to conference with a package that includes citizenship is preferable to the alternative, because it increases the chances of a good bill at the end.


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[S-Comm-coord] Tomorrow EMERGENCY Conference Call on Trust Act


Dear compañeros-as tomorrow we are going to have an EMERGENCY Conference Call on the Trust Act at 12:00 pm.

Today Raffi Freedman-Gurspan the Legislative Aide from the office of Representative Carl M. Sciortino share with us that we are going to have THE PUBLIC HEARING Joint Committee on The Judiciary, on Tuesday, July 9th, 2013.

We were not expecting this and we want to check with all of you and prepare a Collective AND EMERGENCY response. If you have questions or advice PLEASE participate on the call!

Dial Number 605 475 4700

Code: 186413#  

Thank you so much!


Patricia Montes

Executive Director

Centro Presente

617.629.4731 x211


Celebrating Centro Presente's 30 Years of Working with the Latin American Immigrant Community and Fighting for Social and Economic Justice.


Celebrando 30 Años trabajando con la Comunidad Immigrante Latinoamericana y Luchando por Justicia Social y Económica. 

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FW: Help SIM Get to DC!

Please consider making a donation to the Student Immigrant Movement today…!



SIM is going to DC! (and we need your help!)

Hi Edwin! 

You've probably been seeing it everywhere: the Senate approved their version of Immigration Reform, and the House is starting to debate it. Our national network, United We Dream, has called on us to join hundreds of other Dreamers in DC for a National Citizenship Week next week. It's our chance to show the folks in DC that Dreamers all over the country are watching them and that we want a path to citizenship for ALL undocumented immigrants in the US, instead of the crazy enforcement and border militarization that is currently being discussed. We will be there from July 9th to the 11th, participating in a series of actions through the 3 days.

Will you consider making a 25$ donation to help SIM make it to DC?

We need your help to get there! The bus is expensive and we have to put the driver up in a hotel for those days over there. United We Dream will be helping us with food and lodging expenses but it's still costly for us! We also have a few spots left in the bus if you're interested in coming. Just reach out to Nataly ( and if we can take you we will!

If you are not able to attend our actions or events but you are still interested in supporting our work, consider making a donation at

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Property For Rent In International City...055-9186124

1Bedroom For Rent In Greece 
Without Balcony
Rent 35,000/- 4chqs 


Semi Furnished Studio In Spain 
Ground Floor 
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Rent 28,000/- 4chqs 
Rent 30,000/- 12chqs 

Jawad Ahmed
Prudential Real Estate

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Urgently Need 1 Bedroom For Rent In International City.

Urgently Need 1 Bedroom For Rent In International City
European CLuster
With Balcony

Jawad Ahmed
Prudential Real Estate

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